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Pope Comes to Philadelphia!

Pope Cheesesteak

The Pope is coming to Philadelphia September 26 & 27, and the whole city is abuzz with Papal energy. Almost everything in town has turned Pope, from the Popeapotties lining the parkway to #Popeadelphia.

There is even an emoji from SwyftMedia that features the Pope eating a cheesesteak, a Popemoji!
Pope Cheesesteak

Tony Luke’s in South Philly has a t-shirt featuring a Philadelphian greeting for the Pontiff.

Yo Pontiff

Photo by: instagram.com/shawnqk/

Where will the Pope get a cheesesteak from? Well, that is still undecided!

Pope Cheesesteak

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The Tony Luke’s ® brand and franchise company are owned and promoted by Anthony Lucidonio, Jr., also known as Tony Luke, Jr. The restaurant location at Front Street and Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is not affiliated in any way with the Tony Luke’s ® brand or franchise company and is independently owned and operated by Anthony Lucidonio, Sr. and Nicholas Lucidonio. Any and all inquiries related to the restaurant at Front Street and Oregon Avenue should be directed to Anthony Lucidonio, Sr. and/or Nicholas Lucidonio.