Hugh E Dillon: 5th Anniversary of Philly Chit Chat – Guests have a blast celebrating the local blog and donating to a good cause. – Jennifer Schloder and famed cheesesteak king Tony Luke Jr., with Julie and Jon Dorenbos. Tony’s original family eatery is at 30 East Oregon Avenue, and their franchise has grown to […]
Bryn Mawr-Gladwyne Patch Readers’ Choice Winners 2012 – Tony Luke’s
Bryn Mawr-Gladwyne Patch Readers’ Choice Winners 2012 – Tony Luke’s
Cheesesteak King, Tony Luke Jr., judges Vendy Awards
Tony Luke Jr. featured on NBC 10
The Philly Slide to Benefit Little Kids Rock
Interview with Tony Luke on 98Rock Baltimore
98 Rock Baltimore (97.9)
Saturday, June 9th Tony Luke’s of Sicklerville will celebrate its grand opening noon to 5 pm. A $500 eating competition called the Tony Luke’s Challenge will take place.
Tony Luke’s of Sicklerville Grand Opening
Rediscover Philadelphia, featuring Tony Luke Jr.
Rediscover Philadelphia –