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5th Anniversary of Philly Chit Chat

Hugh E Dillon: 5th Anniversary of Philly Chit Chat – Guests have a blast celebrating the local blog and donating to a good cause. – Jennifer Schloder and famed cheesesteak king Tony Luke Jr., with Julie and Jon Dorenbos. Tony’s original family eatery is at 30 East Oregon Avenue, and their franchise has grown to eight locations, from Atlantic City in New Jersey to Bahrain in the Middle East. After conquering the cheesesteak world, Tony is now venturing into selling his own brand of knives—to cut those cheesesteaks in half, now that he is dieting and only eating half of his portions.

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The Tony Luke’s ® brand and franchise company are owned and promoted by Anthony Lucidonio, Jr., also known as Tony Luke, Jr. The restaurant location at Front Street and Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is not affiliated in any way with the Tony Luke’s ® brand or franchise company and is independently owned and operated by Anthony Lucidonio, Sr. and Nicholas Lucidonio. Any and all inquiries related to the restaurant at Front Street and Oregon Avenue should be directed to Anthony Lucidonio, Sr. and/or Nicholas Lucidonio.