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Tony Luke, Jr. Movies

Tony Luke Jr. was born Anthony Lucidonio Jr. Raised in South Philadelphia, he attended grade school at St. Nicholas of Tolentine. He was a drama major and a music minor at the high school for creative and performing arts (CAPA). His father, Tony Sr., was a truck driver for a local meat company, and his mother, Clara, was a house wife. After high school, while performing in local theater, Tony’s interests swayed more and more toward music. Tony began to get more involved in the writing and singing of music in the 80s. He wrote songs for Brandi Wells and Motown artist AC Black. He also wrote and performed songs in his own groups such as “Off The Streets”, “AJ Spats”, and “Too Cool Project”. In 1992 he opened up a sandwich shop in South Philadelphia, with his father, Tony, and his brother, Nicholas, called Tony Luke’s. While doing local commercials for his store, Tony was once again bitten by the acting bug. In 1997 Tony decided to pursue his acting career again.


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